Dear All,
i would be one of the luckiest people on earth. Today, it's been exactly a year that my dad is in a better place than this globally warmed one:) One more time, again and again, i am thankful for 22 years that i had been with him. Although i don t remember the details of the first years, i m sure i was a happy baby! Proved by many photos:))
What can i say? i would pick the same dad and mum and sister if i had a chance to choose!
i also would pick the same friends, if i had ... Oh wait, i already had and still have that chance! Then, a biiiiig applause to me for picking the right people! You may be wondering what happened this time to make me that happy! As i wrote you, as a girl, i have a dream... of seperating garbage of a shopping mall:D i love myself!(you probably already notice it!)
Today was a big day! i went to talk to shopping mall and left my project proposal and i ll go on thursday again to talk to operation manager! (Now, you are supposed to have a surprised, proud, happy face! sparkling eyes are more than welcome:)
So, universe, or at least the people who are reading these lines, do your best to send me helpful, best wishes! This is how good friends behave:)
Lessons to be learned... No! Reasons to be happy:
1) i have a great family! (including all my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents!)
2) i have great friends who always wish the best for me no matter what!
3) i have a great Si:)