Friday, January 14, 2011

Each day is a new day!(tagline-to-be)

Dear All,

i might seem too romantic to you with that title, but i have a good reason to be like that: i was with my dearest Fa after a looooooooooooooong time since he is working like hell and i am always somewhere else:) He is such a good friend who can listen your love stories each and every time from the begining patiently. And not only love stories... Stories of any kind! So, this time he listened all my projects-to-do!

Tomorrow, i ll go to shopping mall again to make "rehersal" of workshop. It ll be my first time to talk about recycling and why it is important and what the right way is to seperate garbage(the definition of garbage is different but you know what i mean). i hope it will work and i can make it fun as possible as it can be. Sunday, we ll see, and no need to say that but... i am so positive about that:)

Next week, i ll be spending more time on skype... Yes, even more:) There will be discussion sessions with friends from Legendary-Brussels-GEF-Workshop!

And, we are planning to finish writing Book-cycling project on Sunday!!!
And, somehow, i ll apply for scholorship that i was waiting for the last 6 months and finish my MSs applications.

Who said 8 hours of sleeping is crucial for being in shape? Yes, it was my roomy:) Seems like 5 hours will be enough! Then i ll be super relaxed in Paris!!! YAY!

Reasons to be happy:

1) All things listed above!

One more thing then i ll sleep(yes, i thought it is as of importance for you to know that i ll sleep, at least for my roomy!)
i want to thank my encouraging, wise, lovely aunt BET to make me realize that every life story has to be lived. You can learn from others, but to come to the same conclusion, you may need to make some of others' mistakes as well!
