Thursday, January 20, 2011

Open Innovation?

Dear All,

These days are fruitful days that sometimes i hardly decide what to write and where to start. Yesterday, i got a mail from my very dear, hardworking, helpful and selfconfident friend YsT who is studying on Green Buildings in his MSs in Holland. He wrote me that he follows my blog (YAY!) and it is good to see what he is doing with his life in a written form in my blog. He also told me about a new concept, prehaps new to me and old to him, that i decide to write these days. You may ask so why i made such a long introduction if i ll write about that later. Yeah, i just want to share with you guys, he likes it:P

On the other hand, yesterday, i talked to my lovely Si who was ,i m sure, supportive about what i wrote, in his deep inside but having some difficulties to paraphrase his encouraging words loudly! Instead of my writing capabilities, we talked about being a HERO which was soo related to TED talk that ANU, handmade clothes producer friend from Brussels, shared on our GEF page. But, i ll write about that later as well:)

Today, i want to make a little introduction to oen innovation. When i was an Erasmus in Holland, innovation was one of the classes and that open innovaton concept was one of the most interesting topics (No my lovely Si!i m not ranking:P)! Unlike closed innovation, open one is open! Let me explain it a bit more.(What a ridiculous sentence! i mean who even try to stop me!)Yes, normaly with Intellectual Property Rights, patents, copy rights, every thought that comes to our minds first are kept as our property. i m not going to discuss about if it is right or possible in this highly open world, but instead i ll give you the link:D

Lessons to be learned:

1) You may feel a bit lazy when it gets closer to end while writing!
2) You may appreciate this that at least you are aware of and can make fun of!!
3) Though, i m not sure if people appreciate!!!


PS: My roomie is BACK!! Just to say :P
PPS: i know open innovation does not seem realted to green at all, but believe me it is! i ll write to answer why/how questions within days. Promise (to myself)!