Today, i want to introduce you my very brilliant friend who i feel lucky to be friend with. He is a graphic designer. i was totally unfamiliar with that concept. Then, i am fascinated with what he did during the workshop in Brussels.
Basically, he listened he drew. In our workshop, as representatives and participants, we discussed many things from enterpreneurship to sustainability and all related problems and obstacles which prevents us from being risk takers. Even that words, risk takers, may give you the idea of my feelings. Ok, it was supposed to be an inside talk:) So, as you see topics are highly hot, and you can get easily lost between words. Seemed like NiPAy doesn t. He created all that amazing drawings on wall papers which you could see all thoughts flying in the air became concrete words and shapes. It was especially impressive when i stepped out discussion room and confronted with wallpaper drawn by my brilliant friend NiPAy and felt WOOOWWW! Yes, sometimes i am a bit (yes, just a bit) messy in my mind. Therefore, seeing everything that clear made me feel grateful to him.
To see, why those charts were related to my green blog, click here.
Lessons to be learned:
1) Put green products near to others instead of creating a new/seperate shelf!
2) Expressing your thoughts in different ways can inspire other people. One more time, cheers to NiPAy!!
3) Kung-Fu Panda is still on the list!