Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ma! Activist vs Evil's Advocate!!


Yesterday, you learned something about who i am; rationalist dreamer! If it was not what you thought,you'd better be silent! My dear friend Ma was not that silent about my green side. No worries, he is still alive!

As a talkative person, i ,of course, talked to him about my blog and my challanges while we were climbing the stairs. Yes,he also did not use elevator and although he does not believe that kind of attitudes can make any difference. However, he had to be subjected to my 'obsessed' side since we shared the room. At the point which i was still waiting for my PC to be shut down -you'd appreciate my hard work if you had any idea about my PC- so that i could plug off which means less energy consumption during whole night, he looked at me with understanding eyes full of mercy! Actually, he made it very clear when he told 'Yes, then you can save 5€ if you unplug all electrical tools for the entire year!' that what i did was non-sense! Still, in Poland as he said, they launched a 'plug off' campaign. i think even though these 'every little helps' campaigns do not change the world radically, they are important to make people be aware of climate change concept. Then people can at least realize that what we call energy is not coming from nowhere and it has a cost more that its financial price.

Anyways, as i always say, somehow i make good friends. Although they ,sometimes, are evil's advocate:)

Tomorrow: TRQ, with green,blue,red colours!

Lessons to be learned:

1) You may not be able to convince all people!
2) Then become friends with them, so that they may join you:)
3) Thanks Ma for sharing very valuable thoughts of yours!!
