Today, i am happy. You may wonder why it is so. If you were one of my friends, you would not wonder, you would probably ignore since it does not a rare case! So, i wish you are not my friend(no offence!) and you will continue reading.
Topic: Cancun! The 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Cancún, Mexico, from 29 November to 10 December 2010. For more detailed information about COP16 and UNFCCC, you know what to do!
Yes, i know you wonder what "i" am going to write if i give a link for every important information. Here it comes... with another link, but this time it is an video:)) While enjoying your video, i may summarize what it is about! Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, and three members of the European Parliament, Corien Wortmann-Kool of the European People’s Party, Satu Hassi of the Greens and Roger Helmer from the European Conservatives and Reformists had a debate to discuss what can be done more in Cancun than was done in Copenhagen in 2009. There are mainly 2 views i can say: Should we start doing changes or should we first wait till every country accept to do something. You know what every country covers, China, India and US and EU(with its all parties). Almost all of them were agreed that Copenhagen was a failure. The answer of the question 'Why?' was mostly due to lack of synergy and trust. Sometimes, 2+2 does not equal to 5,as it is in synergy, not equal to 4, as it is in Math. It maybe equal to 3, as it was in Copenhagen. Beyond that, environmental problems and their solutions were not supposed to be implication of Game Theory. There was especially one thing that i found important about China. As Roger Helmer feels suspicious and pessimistic about commitments of countries, he said 'none of the developing countries stops their growth to save the world, neither does US. China continues to establish new fossil-based plants. as Europeans we have all the pain,none of the gain. Why should we?'. That is a very-well known argument. What is not that well-known is ,as Connie Hedegaard mentioned, China increases its Wind Power facilities more than any other countries. i also remember more things that China has been doing thanks to Joy's researchs about China's Environmental Plans. This is promising at least. Highly recommended debate!
Thanks RO one more time for sharing the Cancun with me!
Thanks JOY for making me smile:))) i loved it!
Thanks my roomy to remind me Soundtracks of 'City of Angels' were great! My roomy is greater:)) Ready to celebrate!!
Lessons to be learned:
1) Sometimes, age does not guarantee wisdom! (nothing related to my roomy-the best!)
2) Sometimes, title does not guarantee wisdom!!
3) Sometimes, you need to remind yourself it is time to write your SOP:P