Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Packed Food, OCTOBER! 27th (confessions!!)


Today, unfortunately, im not going to write you about what i didnot, but what i did.
Since the beginning of October, i was dedicated to my challange. However, as i reflected to you sometimes, i had some questions about Slow Food. i sincerely respect people who can devote themselves to do so. However, especially somethings as i ll clarify it, does not feel right!

Where to start? Yes, slow food was/is great idea to make people think about our daily consumption pattern. It is great, because, everybody eats... without an exception! Therefore, from the beginning, without investing hundreds& thousands, you can do something, not only for environment but also for your health. Good for environment, because as you live slow, not lazy though, you consume less. Practically, let's say you have 2 hours, you want to eat chips. You can go to market,preferably the closest one, and buy one,two,three - as many as you want - packed chips and finish them in few minutes. Probably, you still have more than an hour, and if you want, you can do the same and eat 3 more. However, if you want to 'make' your chips by yourself, it will probably take whole two hours including washing the dishes and what you eat is not as much as you do when you eat packed ones. After all, there is no package which has 2 bad effects for the environment: First, packages are made out of 'something' else, therefore it is a source use. As we all know, nothing is infinite -universe's case is excluded, since it is still questionable:)-, so the more we use our world's sources, the less left to use for further consumption. Second, after you trash it to bin, it is almost never 100% recyclable let alone reusable. Then, here is where all our wastes come from!

However, it is not always the case. Unfortunately, we do not only eat chips. Frequently, we get hungry and do not have time to cook. For this point, i may say that, i want to cook and spend my time on cooking although i do not like it. Because, i can not justify for myself that i have no time. Let's be honest, i have time and i do not want to accept that i m lazy! So, this is kind of challange for me to cook. And you know that i like challenging! However, i can not belame people who still have time but want to value that time by doing some other things and not cooking. Besides, i totally understand people who really do not have time.

Another point is that, organic food is expensive. When i asked Slow Food Lady, whether it is fair to people who does not earn that much; she said 'We are already eating more than we need. We do not need to consume that much. Also, we can decide on which we want to spend money; something important for our one(feeding) of the two reasons to live or anything else!' From her point of view, she was right! By spending more money on eating healthy, we can consume less of other things since we have lesser money to spend on. We -people and mother earth- can live happily ever after. However, it is not the case sometimes. There are some families, which hardly live with the money they earn. So, as soon as the prices are high, there will be some people who can not afford to buy 'healthy' food. It brings us another question: 'Is not it, being healthy, one of our existential rights? ' If so, can we exclude some of the people?

Beyond all of these, i still believe in fair trade, unless it exists. i still want to lessen my carbon footprint. Therefore, i ll keep going open market where i know the producers and the food is not coming from far far away. Of course, noone knows that if the food they sell is local unless you ask them. i still keep eating unpacked as much as possible. Not because it is healthier, but because i do not like plastic.

So, now, i can confess that, i was dining out tonight!

Lessons to be learned:

1) Never say never! (but you already know it!)
2) Eating is not only for survival, but also for socializing!! (my friends, especially my roomy and my beautiful sister, know it!!)
3) Eat slowly then you can extend the time you enjoy!!!

Tip of the day: Be a bee in Holloween party! (or something that can emphasize your environment-conscious side:P i m gonna be a recycle bin!)
