i am happy! Ok, it is not surprising:) But, today i am happy and i have just joined freecycling group in istanbul! and have already posted a message that i need a bike.
It was something of which i wanted to be part for looong time. i didnot register myself before but ,believe it or not, i am not a good internet user. i had hardly checked my mails regularly up until 3 years ago and do not ask when i had an e-mail adress:)) hope i could explain who started to write blogpage, joined a freecycling group, searched for environmental solutions on the internet..
Btw, i have just ckecked my mail and i realized that first message i send should be 'i am giving.' type of message. One more thing to learn! But, actually am not worried about giving part 'cos as i wrote already, i am planning to perform that '100 things'! it seems like there will be many things that i am going to give away. For now, i am just waiting and trying to list the things that i am currently using.(i didnot check their web site yet. Even not search for that web site:S i ll inform you asap)i am waiting for R and we can start together. Let's see!!
More about freecycling! Their website is http://freecycle.org and the first thing you need to do is choosing an area which is closest to you. This means a lot to me. Because in this way, you decrease carbon emission caused by transportation, carrying stuff from far far away to your adress. Of course this does not mean that you ll find everything in your neighbourhood but at least.. Whatever, i am in istanbul group!
Addition to that, this group gives you the chance to find what is already produced. In the mail they sent me, there are rules about what you can't post to take or give away. But more important and cuter and also a bit weird than rules, they kindly ask you to be polite in every phase of cycling. Be polite about your messages, your replies, your attitude when you meet the person.. Cute part is they care about being POLITE, weird part is they want you to be POLITE!! i mean, isn't it the way that people should/ would be??? (roomy, don't look at me like that! i know i am polyanna..in modern times:)
About my report! i didnot buy anything yesterday. i feel like it lost its mystery! you know that i ll succeed it for sure.. or do you??
Lastly, tomorrow is our 'sweetest fest'!! enjoy everyone!