Sunday, February 26, 2012

A guest of Ministry of Food!

Dear All,

Yesterday, i surprised myself and joined a cooking class with my very food-freak-dear Cami!

You know when you have a close friend and that close friend has a hobby which you think she d be kidding, there is only one way to do: align with that hobby and try to understand what is fun about that. This time it was cooking. You know i like having friends who like cooking:)

SO yesterday, i found myself in the middle of the city markey, sorrounded by glass walls cutting parsley, chili pepper, cherry tomatoes, slicing chicken,onions... and SMILING! it is quite a surprise ha?

Ok, guys i did my best and the result is not too bad. I did chicken fajita as everyone else did. Besides the cooking part, actually i like the idea of Ministry of Food. Jamie Oliver, darling of many including Cami and Mareke, is the founder of this ministry and his students are teaching people what is healthy, how you can cook your own meal without wasting the ingredients, how to decide what to buy etc. This ministry teaches why not to buy packed food.

Lessons to learn:

1) Give it a go!
2) Reduce packed food use as much as you can! (This is also a message from ministry of food. If you can't totally stop buying packed food, try to reduce the amount.)
3) Don't trust weather forecast and always wear your scarf in Leeds!


PS: I want to thank the old lady who were smiling at me by looking through the glass wall while i was preparing my wrap! She made my day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ethics vs Money

When did it happen?

Reading all these articles related to project management and success criteria and so on, i sincerely wonder when money and profit became the most importanat success criteria over human.

Whenever someone writes about stakeholder engagement, they emphasize how hard to reach a consensus since all stakeholders have different priorities. Mostly the project owners/clients focus on financial gain. It does not sound that evil when i write financial gain, right? But when i write money, probably it bugs many of you... or at least i hope so. They have the same meaning!

Going back to main concern... Other stakeholders who are not directly involved in the project but effected by the outcome or the process cares other stuff. Clean air, employment, development of region, contamination, labour rights, or human rights in general... Listing the second group as such makes me feel like... Come on people! When did you stop caring those? or pessimistic side of me can paraphrase the question: Have they ever been among your concerns?

Btw, i don t want to blame all clients/project owners whatsoever. But don t you think that somethings should be above every others?

In one of the articles which i totally forgot the author's name(that explains why i always get warning about referencing), s/he says something like that: if you aim profit you mank profit, if you target sustainability then change your objectives!

Ok, enough complaining! I ll go back to academic world which i am not welcomed:D
